By choosing La Sosta della Tartaruga you support an important social project!
When planning your vacation, do you choose where to stay considering the impact your choice has on the area you want to visit and its community? Then, La Sosta is the place for you.
We designed La Sosta to be the solution for those with a different lifestyles, who are conscious of the sustainability aspect of what they buy, and when they travel, they are careful to choose facilities and services that give back to the area.
We devote ample time to curating details, our breakfast service, and showcasing our region.
Four young people with intellectual disabilities work at La Sosta della Tartaruga on permanent contracts. Thoroughly trained with the help of two outstanding team leaders, they master a simple yet refined style of hospitality to provide guests with an excellent experience.
All this while also keeping an eye on the environmental impact of the project, an issue that simply must be dealt with today. The recent renovation works focused on energy conservation, with new-generation windows, thermal insulation on the most exposed walls and a heat pump system. In addition, we have banned plastic from our breakfasts, so we don’t use disposable tableware and only use glass bottles filled at the still/sparkling water dispenser connected to the water supply.
Compagnia della Tartaruga – Cooperativa Sociale IBAN: IT57X0321101400052255653210
Via Caffaro 14/9 – Genova, 16124 CITR: 010025-AFF-0169
Via Caffaro 12B – Genova, 16124 CITR: 010025-CAV-0096
tel. +39 010 80 50 021 | +39 378 086 5504